
Eye Exams: 5 Reasons Why They Are Important

Needing contact lenses and glasses can be a hassle. Buying them is costly, and you need an updated prescription to order them, which is why online eyewear stores are appealing. But, in trying to convince you of their convenience, they tell you, perhaps only subtly, it is okay to skip annual eye exams with your eye doctor.

And that is flat-out wrong. Keep reading to find out why.

A comprehensive eye exam detects eye disease, vision problems, and general health issues and is recommended for adults for vision screening and visual acuity every one to two years.

The demands on our eyes are more significant than ever. Making sure your eyes are working at optimal levels is the job of a board-certified ophthalmologist like Dr. Brian Will. Here are five of the biggest threats to eye health that make your annual eye exam essential:

1. Dry Eye

Dry eye is more than uncomfortable; it can impact your sight and overall eye health. The problems it often causes include blurred vision and ongoing irritation. It can also lead to significant damage to your cornea. Dr. Will offers significant advancements in dry eye diagnosis and treatment, so don’t ignore your eye exam for those dry eye symptoms.

2. Digital Eye Strain

With so much of our time now spent in front of computers, televisions, and mobile devices, the way we blink has fundamentally changed. Yet, blinking is critical to proper eye health. It releases lubrication from tiny glands surrounding the eyelids to slow evaporation of the tear film over the eye.

While we stare at our screens, we blink less often, which may cause these glands to clog, resulting in tear film evaporating too quickly and the onset of dry eye symptoms.

3. Sun Damage

And when we are not in front of our digital screens, we might be out getting some fresh air in the sun. Although sun exposure is more closely linked to skin cancer, its threat to your eyes is just as dangerous. So just like wearing sunscreen for your skin, investing in UV-blocking sunglasses labeled UV 400 or above is critical in preventing eye issues including cataracts and macular degeneration.

4. Allergies

With the rise of allergen and pollen counts in the air, allergy incidents are escalating as well. Anyone who deals with hay fever or other allergies understands how vulnerable the eyes are to itching, burning, and irritation.

Managing these symptoms is best done in Portland by Dr. Will. He can ensure your eyes are not being damaged by rubbing, scratching, or touching your eyes.

5. Vision Correction

Vision problems, astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness need routine check-ups with your ophthalmologist. First, you want to make sure you see as well as possible and that your prescription is updated. Second, if you wear contacts lenses, your eye doctor needs to monitor your eye health and the risks associated with contact lenses. They may further reduce oxygen to the eye’s surface or interfere with those lubricating oil glands.

Today, making and keeping your annual eye exam is essential, particularly if you have vision problems. Learn more about eye health and the importance of an annual eye examination by contacting Dr. Brian Will today.

Call (877) 542-3937 or schedule your eye exam today!